Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Pokemon Black Ghost

Don't be alarmed, people who play Black!  See, Oridom, at, showed me this hack.  To see the video, go on Youtube, search up pokemon ghost black, then click on the fourth video.  Never buy Pokemon Black for the Game Boy Color, unless you choose a normal starter.  See, Ghost will help you, since it knows Curse, that kills Pokemon.  However, once the Elite Four are out, you will get a message saying, Many years later... and it shows an old man.  That old man is you.  You can only move at half your normal speed, and you have no Pokemon, not even any items.  If you go back in your house, on the exact point where you start the game, you will see sprites of all the Pokemon Ghost cursed.  You will also see sprites of all of their trainers.  Then, you battle Ghost.  You have no Pokemon, so you just use Struggle, which doesn't effect Ghost.  Ghost uses a move that doesn't exist, (not StinkerstubbleU, another move,) that does little damage.  Eventually, Ghost uses Curse, then the game goes black.  Nothing you do stops this, so just turn off the game.

1 comment:

  1. Hey justin! I learned that(thankfully) this game doesn't exist. Hip-hip hooray! The story is still creepy, though.


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